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211 is a comprehensive information and referral service for our county. Services include food, housing, counseling, rent and utility assistance or legal aid for work issues. Just call 211 for assistance!
Weekly groups offered in person for pregnant women through their baby’s first year. The groups are a place to come together, connect and relate. Groups are offered at 7 different locations in our County. Monolingual groups offered in both English and Spanish.
Available in both English and Spanish, promotes school readiness, family well-being, and advocacy by addressing best practices in brain development, key aspects of early childhood development, school readiness, positive use of technology, civic engagement, parent leadership, goal setting, and planning for family success. Attendees learn about the Protective Factors and create strategies to strengthen their families.
Creative Curriculum provides children and their families with developmentally appropriate services that support active learning and promotes progress in all developmental areas. Our partners offer school readiness groups to support child development. Our partners educate caregivers to support their children to meet physical, social/emotional, and cognitive development and early literacy.
Parent Cafés are structured, small group conversations that create physically and emotionally safe spaces where parents and caregivers talk about the challenges and victories of raising a family. Parents gather around small tables, setup to feel like a café, and respond to specific questions prompts designed to promote mutual support and parent-to-parent learning.
Helps fathers connect with each other and learn about fatherhood and respond to specific questions prompts designed to promote mutual support and father-to-father learning. Fathers gather around small tables, setup to feel like a café.
The screening is intended for the early detection of developmental concerns in young children. The caregiver is involved in the screening process, and child development activities and issues are discussed. If indicated based on the assessment score, referrals and support are given to the children and families.
Our partners provide supplies and resources to the families they engage with. Resource include food, rental and utility assistance, diapers, books, and other items a family might need. Partners can refer families to other programs to fill gaps.
Kits are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. Kit includes useful information for New parents and two books.
First 5 Stanislaus has partnered with the Imagination Library of Stanislaus. FREE program designed to get books into the hands of children. Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed directly to the homes of enrolled children up until child turns five years old.
In partnership with the Stanislaus County Office of Education. ECE conferences are typically held 3 times a year: February, May, and November. Offers training, resources, and an opportunity to connect with others who work with young children.
12-week cohort program through an app that trains individuals interested in becoming licensed home childcare providers. Participants learn the basics of marketing, budgeting, record keeping, parent communication, curriculum, child environment setup, and business capital. They also assist participants throughout the state licensing application process. In Stanislaus County, ARPA funds are being used to grant each participant $2,500 upon licensing to help them start their home childcare business. The program is available in both Spanish and English. Upcoming 12-week cohorts begin on May 7, July 8, September 2, and November 10.
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